Video: Postcards from the Art Classics Shop


About this Video

This video presents postcards from Designs, Sharon Lee Hudson's art classics shop.  This shop is known as Art Classics, Sharon Lee Hudson.  It is located on the Zazzle website.  The pics are screenshots of actual postcards that are sold at that shop.  The postcards can be found here: Greetings Cards Collection.

Postcards at the shop display paintings stretching back through centuries, all the way back to the 1500s.  All paintings are in the public domain.  All postcards are customizable.  In working with these digital files, I've kept some in their original form, I've enhanced some, and I've modified a few aspects of some of them.

Because the video presents screenshots, some proportions might differ within a product or between products.

Song:  Sequence © Pierre R. Schwob - by permission.  Original from Classical Archive